E-Mail Updates!

Hope everybody’s having a great day today. I got some good news for y’all!

Click here to skip the explanation and just read the new e-mail addresses if you want to.

My freelancer has switched me over from my previous email provider FastMail to a newer, more functional, and more secure one called ProtonMail.

This won’t mean much for y’all except that my e-mails will be coming back a lot faster, a lot more organized, and there’s a heck of a lot less of a risk of any type of data breaches because ProtonMail uses the best of the best security.

Not that FastMail was bad or all, it’s just that ProtonMail has a lot more functionality for our upcoming projects, and it’ll really expedite how quickly we can move foward on certain aspects of the business!

Not only that, but with the recent attacks on the second amendment, we all need to be certain that we are ready to help our country! That means being very capable, very secure, very professional people.

In fact we’ve been doing a lot of security upgrades on the website and my back-end recently and I’d honestly say that this data is fully, absolutely secure. Especially when it comes to communications.

As far as the new email addresses, here they are:

The majority of email contact from now on will be handled by my general freelancer Tim.

If you haven’t heard him mentioned yet, he handles my advertising, writing, website design, and a good deal of things that aren’t the manufacturing of the GG-92. If I’m the artisan, he’s the salesman.

His email is tim@griffithguns.com. You can email him about:

  • Any questions you have regarding an existing order
  • Any problems you’re having with our payment portal (hasn’t happened yet, knock on wood)
  • Getting a custom one-of-one GG-92 style attachment for your Beretta 92 series
  • Batch orders for your organization or store
  • And just about anything that doesn’t fall within the rest of this list.

You’ll be able to expect a response from him within 24 hours of emailing him and that’s a promise.

Any technical questions can be sent to information@griffithguns.com and this doesn’t just extend to questions about my products, I love to talk about guns!

Any email you send here will get its first reply within 24 hours. The research that we may need to do on our end for you may take longer, but we’ll keep you updated and in contact at all times.

In that same spirit, I have an open email box for anyone to mail in with anything they’d like! Drop me a line at mailbox@griffithguns.com

If you’d like to show of your collection, talk about some cool stories, give me feedback on the GG-92, or just strike up a conversation, this is where to do it!

I’ll always respond as soon as I can because you guys are what makes this possible for me, and I’ll never foget that. Thank you all.

  • If you’d like to sign up for my hand-written newsletter, I repeat, this thing is not automated, it’s ran by a real person, email in at newsletters@griffithguns.com
    • Because this newsletter is hand-written there won’t be a specific release date but here’s how we’re gonna handle it:
      • I) You email in expressing your interest
      • II) You’ll receive an email within 24 that will confirm your entrance to the newsletter
      • III) You’ll receive updates on new product ideas, blog posts, youtube videos, gun related news, a discount code from time to time, and even some really cool secret content!
      • IV) If you ever want to stop receiving emails from the newsletter, all you gotta do is reply to one asking us to stop. We won’t bother you with it again!

And lastly, if you’d like to inquire about any sort of business such as collaborations or joint projects, email me at inquiries@griffithguns.com This would be for…

  • Content creators trying to collaborate with me on
    • YouTube
    • FaceBook
    • Instagram
  • Writers who’d like to contribute to the website by writing about guns
  • Machinists that would like to learn how to machine the GG-92 and make money doing it (This would be lots of paperwork, lots of labor, but a lot of money, too. A long-term endeavor.)

I can’t wait to walk hand in hand with you guys into this next era of Griffith Guns. One where we use all the magic of the digital age to make ourselves better!

Oh, and about my email not being on there, you can definitely still get in touch with me through my freelancer Tim, in the mailbox, or in the YouTube comments section on any of my videos! It’s just that my workflow is getting heavier and heavier and I’m having to deferr just a bit more of the workload!

Looking forward to hearing from you guys, and if you have any questions about how this change will affect your user experience, email Tim at tim@griffithguns.com and he’ll make sure you’re taken care of.

Oh, and P.S… Dedicated business phone lines coming soon too, y’all. We’re moving up.

Have a blessed day, everyone.
Alan Griffith.

E-Mails Reference Table